Wednesday, 4 June 2008

From a Diary....(May 4th)

"[...] A noisy crowd climbs quickly up the narrow slope, towards us. Curious eyes behind the windows finally reveal, and smiling faces of women and children pop out the wide glass frames. Cadenced clapping, randomly accompanied by sporadic shouting, transforms the noise into melody. Now it has become closer. I can distinguish a colorful band that proudly slips on the wet asphalt, sneaking between an enthusiastic crowd, that it is now more and more consistent. Something special is happening just there, in front of me. I am no more an observer.I am now a witness, the tourists are witnesses, the flashing cameras are witnesses...the rubble and demolished buildings too! The inebriated dance and singing of an old man produces a loud laugh: it is time to show off!!! The music blows our minds. We are there,together, as one. We move to the wall, the wall comes to us, and like in a big hug people hold each other, tight. The last beat of the drums interrupts the warmth of the moment. Everyone leaves...I look at my shoes covered in mud. I lift my eyes from the ground and amazed I realise that the wall is just there, in front of me, massive and majestic. Am I looking at a ghost of the past, at a relictuous pile of stones? No.This is much more. This is a community.This a happy ensemble of proud people. This is Sulukule.


1 comment:

Ruchit Purohit said...

miss you sulukule!!!

though this blog comes 13-14 days late....... i dun care....... its remarkable ......... this one marvelous para made me feel back there again!!!! ... miss u sulukule!!!