Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Work in progress... working process...

Alas not a lot of excitement on the blog front for you today my lovelies. Another day, another vast amount of work done, and a round in Sulukule but this time... thank the lord on high a rare occassion in the history of BUDD in Sulukule we got a lovely young lady (calm down gentlemen) to translate for us!! Cristina got some of the mathematics she needed to do come complicated looking sums about affordability (she's very clever our youngster Cristina), and Diego got a huge amount of info for his personal project through a good stint of translating with none other than the great Erdogen Dalkiran. You know the one. The Roma singer who taught many a famous Sulukule musician in the old days when the entertainment houses were open, and now runs the Orkestra Sefi (you're forgiven for not knowing but he was very rock star). Probably down to our translators charms and not ours we even got ourselves an invite to their practice on Sunday night, which will no doubt be a far more exciting morning-after blog.
Projects are coming together, we're reasonably on top of the presentation and we're having a trial run or two tomorrow. In the absence of any more chat for you I shall conclude with a pretty random selection of a few loved photos (basically what is on my USB right now) and wish you all a well-deserved good nights sleep...