Monday, 28 April 2008

Policies and Laws in Urban Rehabilitation

Dear Buddies,

The importance of laws and policies in the implementation of urban rehabilitation projects can never be over emphasized. Also, the adoption of conservation strategies for Historic Districts within any city which depend on the ability of the government and/or administration to adopt certain local and international principles (e.g UNESCO) cannot be ignored in understanding the strengths and weakness of our task.

Remember to retrieve necessary documentation from the group on laws/policies and digest the contents in relation to the workability of our acquired technical knowledge in a context specific intervention we are now faced with.

We must not design in isolation because it is only "where there are no laws that there are no procedures".

Therefore, as part of the rules of engagement, we must have a fair knowledge of the laws/policies that exist within our study area.

Ask questions on deficient laws and make proposals or find alternative approaches within the existing laws as the case may be. This I believe is the cross of a development practitioner, we must carry it.................................hard luck guys.

Good morning.

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