Friday 12 June 2009

Excellent video abt Gipsy Roma quarter Sulukule April 2009

... it's almost done...the istanbul authorities threw down almost the whole rrom quarter Sulukule. And the world was watching, almost without doing anything... 1000 years of gipsy story swept away in 1-2 years. "Who are just gipsies who don't make profit for the business men and authorities. So why should we respect these Rom people..". That is the way of handling of not so obedient people by -turkish- authorities. Something will remain...not everything has been lost. But the way the authorities handle the sulukule people is symptomatic for what can expect all peoples who aren't profitable and obedient.... it's time to stick together and let the authorities know that we won't obey anymore...they better hide...

To watch the video follow the link:

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